Task Force on VWD Policy

December 2016 Meeting Presentations


Agenda 3a- National Update (John Pearson)

Agenda 3b- Quebec Update (Francois Janelle, MTQ)

Agenda 3c- Status Reports (John Pearson)

Agenda 5a -Transport Canada ecoTECHNOLOGY for Vehicles Program (Ryan Klomp, Transport Canada)

-       6x2 Tractor Test Program

-       Cooperative Platooning Testing

Agenda 6a - Pilot Car Movement Guidelines in BC (Jan Lansing, BC Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure)

Agenda 6c - Oversize and Overweight Permit Harmonization (Steven Todd, Specialized Carriers and Rigging Association)

Agenda 6d - Update on Pilot Car Sector (Heather Murray, Sparrow Piloting Services)