
Standards and Regulations


Regional Initiatives




Mr. John Pearson,

Executive Director

Council of Deputy Ministers Secretariat

Suite 401, 1111 Prince of Wales Drive,

Ottawa, Ontario K2C 3T2

Tel. (613) 247-9347 

Email: jpearson@comt.ca


Federal, Provincial and Territorial Representatives:


British Columbia:

Ms. Courtenay Lowther,

Manager, Commercial Transport,

Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement

British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure

PO Box 9250 Stn Prov Gov't, 

Victoria, BC, V8W 9J2

Tel. (250) 953-4026

Email: Courtenay.Lowther@gov.bc.ca


Ms. Pamela Sooley,

Director, Permitting and Approvals,

Carrier and Vehicle Safety Branch,

Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors,

4920 - 51st Street,

4th Floor, Provincial Building,

Red Deer, AB T4N 6K8

Tel. (780) 422-4229

Email: pamela.sooley@gov.ab.ca



Mr. Syed Imran,

Senior Transportation Engineer,

Transportation Compliance,

Saskatchewan Highways

8th Floor, 1855 Victoria Avenue

Regina SK S4P 3T2

Tel: (306) 787-4890

Email: syed.imran@gov.sk.ca



Mr. Warren Borgford,

Traffic Services Engineer,

Transportation and Infrastructure,

1520-215 Garry St.

Winnipeg, MB R3H 0C4

Tel. (204) 781-5436

Email: Warren.Borgford@gov.mb.ca  



Mr. Joe Lynch,

Senior Vehicle Standards Engineer

Ministry of Transportation, Ontario

125 Sir William Hearst Ave, Building B,3rd Flr

Toronto, ON M3M 0B5

Tel: (416) 389-8308

Email: Joe.Lynch@ontario.ca



Mr. Francois Janelle,

Direction de la normalisation technique

Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable du Québec,

700, boul. Rene Levesque est,

Quebec, QC G1R 5H1   


Tel: (418) 646-0700

Email:  Francois.Janelle@transports.gouv.qc.ca

New Brunswick:

To be confirmed

New Brunswick Dept. of Transportation and Infrastructure

P.O. Box 6000, King's Place,

Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1




Nova Scotia:

Mr. Brent Connolly

Vehicle Standards Engineer,

Nova Scotia Dept. of Public Works,

1672 Granville St, 6th Floor 

Halifax, NS B3J 3Z8

Tel: (902) 221-8094

Email: Brent.Connolly@novascotia.ca 


Prince Edward Island:

Mr. Pat Dowling,

Highway Safety Division,

PEI Dept. of Transportation and Infrastructure,

33 Riverside Drive, Box 2000,

Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8

Tel: (902) 620-3244

Email: pjdowling@gov.pe.ca


Newfoundland and Labrador:

Mr. Glen Fizzard, 

Manager Transportation Regulation Enforcement

Digital Government and Service NL, 

Box 8710, 149 Smallwood Drive,

Mt. Pearl, NL A1B 4J6

Tel: (709) 729-3454

Email: GlenFizzard@gov.nl.ca    


Northwest Territories:

Mr. Keith Bonnetrouge,

Manager, Transport Compliance

NWT Dept of Infrastructure

P.O. Box 1320

Yellowknife, NT X1A 2L9

Tel: (867) 984-3291

Email: Keith_Bonnetrouge@gov.nt.ca



Mr. Michael Kasprzak,

Manager, Carrier Compliance

Department of Highways and Public Works,

Government of Yukon

P.O. Box 2703

Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2C6

Tel: (867) 667-5920

Email: Michael.Kasprzak@gov.yk.ca


Transport Canada:

Mr. Mayank Rastogi,

Manager, Senior Policy Advisor,

Highway and Border Policy

Transport Canada, 

Place de Ville, Tower C,

Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N5

Tel: (613) 998-2993


Suite 401, 1111 Prince of Wales Drive, Ottawa, ON, K2C 3T2. Tel. (613) 247-9347. Fax. (613) 736-1395