

Standards and Regulations


Regional Initiatives


Research and Technical Reports


RTAC/CCMTA Vehicle Weights and Dimensions Research Program (1986)

o   Technical Steering Committee Report 1986

o   Volume 1 - The Influence of Weights and Dimensions on the Stability and Control of Heavy Trucks in Canada Part 1

o   Volume 2 - The Influence of Weights and Dimensions on the Stability and Control of Heavy Trucks in Canada Part 2

o   Volume 3 - Demonstration Test Program - Summary of Tests of Baseline Vehicle Performance

o   Volume 4 - Demonstration Test Program - Five, Six and Seven Axle Tractor Semitrailers

o   Volume 5 - Comparison of Simulation and Tests of Baseline and Tractor Semitrailer Vehicles

o   Volume 6 - Hitch Slack and Drawbar Length Effects on C Train Stability and Handling

o   Volume 7 - Investigating Articulated Vehicle Roll Stability Using a Tilt Table Device

o   Volume 8 - Pavement Response to Heavy Vehicles Test Program - Part 1 Summary of Data

o   Volume 9 - Pavement Response to Heavy Vehicles Test Program - Part 2 Load Equivalency Factors

o   Volume 10 - Pavement Response to Bump Induced Axle Loads Testing - Experimental Findings

o   Volume 11 - Effects of Suspension Variations on the Dynamic Wheel Loads of a Heavy Articulated Highway Vehicle

o   Volume 12 - Vehicle Rollover Threshold Evaluation

o   Volume 13 - Heavy Vehicle Braking Systems - Review of Available Hardware and Control Systems

o   Volume 15 - Graphic Representation of Heavy Vehicle Computer Simulation Model Output

o   Volume 16 - Comparison of Various Computer Simulation Models for Predicting the Lateral Behaviour of Articulated Buses


Trucks and Pavements

o   Analysis of the Infrastructure Impacts of Heavy-duty Vehicle 6x2 Axle Technologies on Canadian Provincial and Territorial Roadways for Transport Canada - 2020

o   Ontario MTO - Use of Second Generation Wide-Based Single Tires in Ontario: Potential Pavement Damage Cost Analysis 2009

o   Laval U - Effects of Wide Base Tires on Low Volume Pavement Structures 2008

o   Virginia Tech - Pavement Damage Due to Different Tires and Vehicle Configurations 2004

o   Ontario MTO - Use of New Technology Single Wide Base Tires Impact on Pavements 2003

o   Laval University - Characterization and Evaluation of Tire-Roadway Interface Stresses 2003

o   European Commission COST 334 Study - Effects of Wide Single Tyres and Dual Tires 2001

o   US TS&W Study - Pavements and Truck Size and Weight Regulations 1995

o   Ontario MTO - Use of Wide Base Single Tires on Heavy Trucks 1993

o   Impact of Changes in Vehicle Weight Legislation on Pavements in Alberta - Anderson, Bervell, Teply 1992

o   Ontario MTO - Influence of Axle Group Spacing on Pavement Damage 1989


Trucks and Bridges

o   US TS&W Study - Bridges and Truck Size and Weight Regulations 1995

o   Ontario MTO - Vehicle Weights Regulations Across Canada - A Technical Review with Respect to the Capacity of Highway Systems 1978


Highway Design

o   NCHRP 505 - Truck Characteristics as Factors in Roadway Design 2003

o   US TS&W Study - Roadway Geometry and Truck Size and Weight Regulations 1995

o   Ontario MTO - Geometric Considerations for the Tractor Semitrailer Making a Right Hand Turn 1987


Traffic and Safety

o   NCHRP 605 - Passing Sight Distance Criteria 2008

o   AustRoads - Safety Benefits of Improving Interaction between Heavy Vehicles and the Road System 2008

o   US TS&W Study - Safety 1995

o   US TS&W Study - Traffic Operations and Truck Size and Weight Regulations 1995

o   RTAC - The Effect of Vehicle Length on Traffic on Canadian Two-Lane Two-Way Roads 1991

o   RTAC - Traffic Stream Effects of Proposed Truck Length Increase 1987


Vehicle Stability and Control

o   Heavy Duty Vehicle 6x2 Simulation Model Development – National Research Council 2019

o   Technical Report - Class 8 Heavy-Duty 6x2 Drive Technology – National Research Council 2018

o   Billing - Evaluation of the Dynamic Performance of Extended Length B Trains 2013

o   Billing - Evaluation of the Low Speed Offtracking Performance of Extended Length B Trains 2013

o   Billing - Front Outswing of Heavy Vehicles 2009

o   Billing - Evaluation of Track Width on the Dynamic Performance of Semitrailers with Wide Single Tires 2009

o   FP Innovations - Evaluation of the Torsional Strength Characteristics of Two Prototype Roll Coupled Hitches 2009

o   Woodrooffe - Safety Analysis of a Double and Triple B Train Carrying Loaded Containers 2007

o   Evaluation of the Dynamic Performance of Truck Recreational Trailer Combinations 2007

o   Billing - Evaluation of the Dynamic Performance of Candidate Special Permit Truck Configurations 2006

o   Woodrooffe - The Influence of Tri-Drive Power Units on the Stability Performance of Various Vehicle Configurations 2006

o   FMCSA - Concept of Operations and Voluntary Operational Requirements for Vehicular Stability Systems 2005

o   NRC - Performance of Infrastructure Friendly Vehicles 2003

o   Billing - Stability and Control Analysis of Tandem-Tandem Trucks and Truck-Trailer Combinations 1999

o   UMTRI Rollover of Heavy Commercial Vehicles 1999

o   FERIC - Evaluation of a Tridem Drive Tractor for Log Transportation 1995

o   FERIC - A Study of the Aligning Forces Generated from A Tridem Drive Axle Group 1995

o   Ontario MTO - The Dynamic Performance of Stinger Steer Auto Carriers 1994

o   Ontario MTO - Evaluation of the Dynamic Performance of Truck-Trailer Combinations 1993

o   NRC Influences of Tractor Wheelbase, Tandem Axle Spread and Fifth Wheel Offset on Commercial Vehicle Dynamics 1990

o   NRC Technical Analysis and Recommended Practice for Double Drawbar Dolly Using Self-Steering Axles 1989

o   Ontario MTO - Stability and Control Characteristics of Straight Trucks and Truck-Trailer Combinations 1989

o   UMTRI Influence of Size and Weight Variables on Stability and Control Properties of Heavy Trucks 1983


Long Combination Vehicles (LCV)

o   Billing - Evaluation of the Dynamic Performance of Rocky Mountain Doubles 2013

o   Montufar - Long Combination Vehicle Safety Performance in Alberta 1999 to 2005

o   Barton& Tardif - Literature Review of the Safety of Long Combination Vehicles and their Operation in Canada 2003

o   Woodrooffe - Long Combination Vehicle Safety Performance in Alberta 1995 to 1998


Technology and Environment

o   NRC - Improving the Aerodynamic Efficiency of Heavy Duty Vehicles: Wind Tunnel Test Results of Trailer-Based Drag-Reduction Technologies 2015

o   UMTRI - Reducing Truck Fuel Use and Emissions: Tires, Aerodynamics, Engine Efficiency, and Size and Weight Regulations 2014

o   NRC - Review of Aerodynamic Drag Reduction Devices for Heavy Trucks and Buses 2012

o   NRC - Packed Snow Performance of Low Rolling Resistance Class 8 Heavy Truck Tires 2012

o   FPInnovations - Introduction to Tire Pressure Control Systems and Synthesis of Key Research Findings in Highway and Urban Applications 2009


Vehicle Weights and Dimensions Regulations

o   Harmonization of Vehicle Weights and Dimensions Regulations within the NAFTA Partnership 1997

o   Ontario MTO - Regulatory Principles for Straight Trucks and Truck Trailer Combinations 1991

o   Ontario MTO - Regulatory Principles for Straight Trucks and Truck Trailer Combinations Part 2 1991

o   RTAC Study - Recommended Regulatory Principles for Interprovincial Vehicle Weights and Dimensions 1987


Policy Studies

o   NCFRP 6 - Impacts of Public Policy on the Freight Transportation System 2011

o   NCHRP 671 - Canadian Experience with Regulation of Large Commercial Vehicles 2010

o   Ontario MTO - Analysis of the Economic Costs and Benefits Related to Increasing the Ontario Weight Allowance for New Generation Wide Base Single Truck Tires 2008

o   Transports Quebec - Economic Study - Use of Supersingle Tires by Heavy Vehicles Operating in Quebec 2005

o   TAC - Impacts of Canadas Heavy Vehicle Weights and Dimensions Research and Interprovincial Agreement 1994

o   OECD - Dynamic Interaction Between Vehicles and Infrastructure (DIVINE) 1998

o   US TS&W Study - Evolution of Truck Size and Weight Regulations 1995

o   Trucking Industry Response to RTAC Weight and Dimension Regulations - Nix, Clayton, Bisson, Boucher 1989

o   RTAC - Economic Issues Related to the Proposed Changes in Vehicle Weights and Dimensions Regulations for Interprovincial Trucking 1987